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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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EPILEPSIE - Cross-sectional study of epilepsy among homeless people

Head : Arnaud Amandine

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


EPILEPSIE - Cross-sectional study of epilepsy among homeless people

Head : Arnaud Amandine

Main objective

Estimate the prevalence of epilepsy in people frequenting SSP reception and accommodation facilities
Describe the types and characteristics of epilepsy
Assess the frequency of care and access to treatments
Assess the impact of the situation of exclusion on the frequency of seizures

Inclusion criteria

All people going for medical consultations at the 3 CHUS and day centres (ESI) and present in the 3 CHUSI between 10 March and 18 April 2003

SAMENTA - Mental Health and Addiction Among Homeless People in Ile-de-France

Head : Arnaud Amandine
Chauvin Pierre, INSERM U707, equipe DS3

Version 1


Last update : 04/01/2019


SAMENTA - Mental Health and Addiction Among Homeless People in Ile-de-France

Head : Arnaud Amandine
Chauvin Pierre, INSERM U707, equipe DS3

Main objective

To estimate the prevalence of primary psychiatric disorders and addictions in the homeless population in Ile-de-France. To study medical care sought in order to improve therapeutic treatment and adapt accommodation/housing conditions. To calculate the size of the concerned population in Ile-de-France (representative survey)

Inclusion criteria

Homeless people in Ile-de-France over the age of 18, who speak French and can understand and answer questions

- Cross-sectional study on the future of individuals who have stopped receiving the minimum integration income (RMI)

Head : Accardo Jérome, Division Conditions de Vie des Ménages
Duée Michel, Household conditions

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study on the future of individuals who have stopped receiving the minimum integration income (RMI)

Head : Accardo Jérome, Division Conditions de Vie des Ménages
Duée Michel, Household conditions

Main objective

The purpose of this methodological study is to specify the family configuration actually experienced by recipients of the minimum integration income (RMI).

Inclusion criteria

All of the individuals receiving the minimum integration income (RMI) from the metropolitan France on 31 December 1996, except for old farmers enrolled in the Mutualité sociale agricole

ERISCAM - Cohort of French Families with Identified MMR Gene Mutation: Assessment of Cancer Risk

Head : Lasset Christine, Prevention and genetics epidemiology
Bonadona Valérie
Bonaiti-Pellie Catherine , Genetics epidemiology and human population structures
Olschwang Sylviane , Medical Genetics and Functional Genomics

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


ERISCAM - Cohort of French Families with Identified MMR Gene Mutation: Assessment of Cancer Risk

Head : Lasset Christine, Prevention and genetics epidemiology
Bonadona Valérie
Bonaiti-Pellie Catherine , Genetics epidemiology and human population structures
Olschwang Sylviane , Medical Genetics and Functional Genomics

Main objective

The aim is to reliably and accurately determine the risks of different tumours in subjects with MMR gene mutations.

Inclusion criteria

French families with an identified MMR gene mutation recruited throughout 40 cancer genetic consultation centres participating in the study; all members of the Cancer and Genetics Network.

- Cohort of Low-Income Subjects Receiving Food Vouchers and Dietary Advice

Head : Bihan Hélène, Human Nutrition Research Centre
Mejean Caroline, UMR 1125 UREN Nutritional Epidemiology. Jouy-en-Josas Research Centre
Galan Pilar, UMR 1125 UREN Nutritional Epidemiology. Jouy-en-Josas Research Centre
Peneau Sandrine, UMR 1125 UREN Nutritional Epidemiology. Jouy-en-Josas Research Centre

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


- Cohort of Low-Income Subjects Receiving Food Vouchers and Dietary Advice

Head : Bihan Hélène, Human Nutrition Research Centre
Mejean Caroline, UMR 1125 UREN Nutritional Epidemiology. Jouy-en-Josas Research Centre
Galan Pilar, UMR 1125 UREN Nutritional Epidemiology. Jouy-en-Josas Research Centre
Peneau Sandrine, UMR 1125 UREN Nutritional Epidemiology. Jouy-en-Josas Research Centre

Main objective

To assess the effectiveness of using food vouchers to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables among low-income populations.

Inclusion criteria

People on low incomes (assessed by deprivation score within healthcare clinics) who are randomly selected.
18-60 years old.

ENEIS - National survey on serious adverse events in hospitals

Head : Michel Philippe

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


ENEIS - National survey on serious adverse events in hospitals

Head : Michel Philippe

Main objective

The survey's primary objective is to estimate the incidence of serious adverse events observed in hospitals and their avoidable character - for events resulting from admission in medicine and surgery units of health institutions or arising in such units during hospitalization.
The secondary objectives are:
1) estimate the severity and avoidable portion of such events;
2) describe the immediate care-related causes of such events arising.

Inclusion criteria

All patient stays present during the survey in shortstay medicine and surgery units

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